A few interesting vacations
Before the wedding, Alicia went with her family on a ski trip to Aspen. Dave Rupp (best man) and Bill went separately so we could ski together.
Our trip to French Polynesia, including Tahiti, Moorea, Bora Bora, and Manihi.
How lucky we were that Jeff and Christy decided to get married in Jamaica!
For our First Anniversary Dave Rupp and Steve DiNardi joined us for a ski trip to the mountains around Lake Tahoe.
Bill kidnapped Alicia from the ADA meeting in San Francisco and spirited her off for an overnight trip to Napa Valley.
It was just Bill and Alicia for our Second Anniversary trip to Summit and Eagle counties in Colorado. We skied 7 mountains in just 6 days!
Alicia was an experienced cruiser, but this 3rd anniversary trip was a first for Bill.
This long road trip to Mount Rushmore and beyond was a great way to test our marriage before having kids!
Our first trip to Hawaii!
A great ski trip with Jeff and Christy to what I contend is the best ski mountain in North America.
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Second trip to Maui.
Third trip to Maui.
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This was the first snowski trip with both boys.
Everybody loved this trip to Beaches Resort in Turks & Caicos. Especially the personal butlers!
Another snowski trip with both boys.
First cruise with the boys on the Carnival Legend, but Carson stung by a Box Jellyfish in Honduras.
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Great fun at this great resort and a side trip to Gilligan's Island!
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Cruise the Mediterranean with a side trip to Paris with Jeff and Christy.
Baltic Cruise.
Explore Portugal, Spain, and Gibraltar, with a side trip to Casablanca, Morocco with Christy and Skyler.
Our first post-COVID trip abroad.
Four couples. Two cars. One mission: Italy!
For our 25th Anniversary we went to Alaska in the winter. How crazy is that?
Cruise the Lesser Antilles. For our first post-COVID cruise we selected a small ship that actually has sails!
England, Guernsey, Ireland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Normandy
About this web site
Alicia and I had a scrapbook from our trip to Dallas and three albums of photos from our wedding and honeymoon. On our honeymoon in French Polynesia the only way to communicate with the U.S. was via FAX, so we sent one FAX daily. When we made our trip to Mount Rushmore, I took a laptop computer and an Olympus C-2020 Z 2.1 megapixel digital camera along to see if we could post updates to a web page I had set up. This was back in the days of dial-up modems, so I had to scale down the image sizes, but this seemed like a promising idea!
Despite encouraging results from our preliminary work, nobody seemed interested in the idea of publishing web pages for important events. We envisioned demand for specialty web pages for engagements, weddings, and births, and created special packages for each. We even proved the worth of the concept when Alicia was sent to Louisville for emergency neo-natal care. I updated web pages on my laptop in Alicia's hospital room and uploaded the latest status via dial-up or, in extreme circumstances, using a PDA. We could then just direct inquiries about Alicia's condition to the dynamically updated web pages. I don't know if it was too soon or too complicated, but Cyber WebSmith never gained traction. Eventually Facebook and smart phones came along and filled the need Cyber WebSmith hoped to meet.
When my father-in-law, Dr. Sells, asked me to evaluate the web sites available for dentists I found the offerings lacking. It seemed that there was a business opportunity there so we launched Dental WebSmith. Luckily Dental WebSmith did take off and allowed Bill to spend much needed time with our family when Alicia had pregnancy difficulties and during the early years of our sons' lives.
I have now retired from Dental WebSmith and Alicia has taken over. I am now spending my spare time creating the resource I had envisioned over 20 years ago.
This web site is what I envisioned people would want many years ago before Facebook existed. I find myself desirous of such a site as a singular, editable, uncluttered, interlinked and linkable resource that I can create in a format of my choosing. With so many channels of communication and so many repositories of images and information, it is often difficult to direct someone to even rudimentary information about a specific family event. Also, the narrative is often cluttered up with third-party comments. That is not the case here. Enjoy!